User Agreement

Table of Contents


Please read this Terms of Use Agreement ("Agreement") carefully before using ("Website"), the FUTURE INVEST mobile applications for Android and iOS (the "Apps"), and the online services ("Services") provided and rendered through these websites and applications.

This Agreement constitutes a contract between the User of the Website and the Apps ("you", "your") and the operator of the Website and the Apps - FUTURE INVEST EU UAB (a duly incorporated company in the Republic of Lithuania as a crypto-asset exchange operator and crypto-asset custodian under business number: 306044056, with a registered address at: Vilnius, Eišiškių Sodų 18-oji g. 11) ("we", "our", "FUTURE INVEST"), and applies to all individuals, visitors, users, and others who access or use the Services.

By accessing or using the Services, you agree to accept and abide by all the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If you do not agree with any part of this Agreement, you must immediately cease using our Website and delete our Apps. By accessing or using the Services, you confirm that the terms and conditions of this Agreement are made available to you (by attribution on the Website) before entering into the Agreement with you and that you have had the time to review them thoroughly in advance and that you can easily copy them.

The terms and conditions of this agreement constitute a public offer containing standard terms. This offer is accepted when actions expressing your will are carried out, such as starting to access or use the services through the Website or the App, which means you accept the terms and conditions of this agreement, in Lithuania, Vilnius. When you request us to use the services via the Website or App functionality, it is equivalent to signing the agreement in writing, which equates to an exchange of communications due via the Website or App and we confirm that we ensure the protection of the communication text and that a signatory can be identified.

By accessing or using the Services, you confirm that the Agreement does not contain any surprising terms, does not exclude your rights and opportunities generally granted in such agreements, does not establish other provisions that violate the principle of equality of the parties, cause an imbalance in the interests of the parties, or are contrary to the criteria of reasonableness, good faith, and fairness.

By default, under this Agreement, we do not provide fiat/crypto-asset deposit services and do not accrue interest on wallet balances. However, we have the right to decide to accrue such interest with the right to change the interest rate and terminate the accrual of interest. We also have the right to begin offering deposit services. Under this Agreement, we do not provide loan services in fiat/crypto-assets.

The place of conclusion of the contract is Lithuania, Vilnius.

General Provisions

By using our Website/Apps and registering for our services, you must read, accept, and agree to all provisions of this agreement and any updated versions thereof, including our privacy policy, cookie policy, AML policy, and all other terms and rules referencing the use of this Website, Apps, and services.

You may use the Website/Apps if you are not a person to whom it is prohibited to receive our services under the laws of the applicable jurisdiction. By using the Website/Apps, you warrant and declare that you are at least 18 years old and are authorized to enter into agreements under the law.

You are only allowed to register a single Wallet account on our Website/Apps and must not have had a previous Wallet account with us that has been blocked. Thus, any additional Wallet account may be suspended.

This Terms of Use Agreement will be governed, interpreted, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.

The provisions of this Agreement may not apply only in cases where the applicable and prevailing law overrides or replaces the existing law. If any provision of this Agreement is or is deemed unenforceable or invalid under the law, it will not affect the applicability or enforceability of the other provisions of this Agreement.

This Agreement replaces all prior discussions and arrangements that may have taken place in this regard.

We reserve the right to modify, amend, and revise the provisions and conditions of this Agreement whenever justified by law, commerce, technology, or other reasons as applicable. These revised or updated versions will apply from the date of publication unless expressly stated otherwise, and you waive any right you might have to receive specific notice of such changes or amendments. Your continued use of the Service will constitute your acceptance of these changes or amendments.

Defined Terms

“Agreement” means the agreement between you and us consisting of the following documents: these terms and conditions of this Terms of Use Agreement, all references in these terms to any of our documents, fees, costs, the Help Center section, any addendum and other rules, notices, directives, conditions, agreements, or other documents designated by us to be part of the Agreement, etc.

“AML/CTF Requirements” means any laws related to anti-money laundering, anti-terrorism financing, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, sanctions, tax evasion, fraud, corruption, trafficking in arms, humans, or wildlife, drugs, evasion of sanctions, slavery, and any other regulations related to financial crime.

“Application” means the mobile application software for Android/iOS (with all updates, upgrades, versions, etc.) developed and owned by us that allows you to access our Services under this Agreement.

“Applicable Jurisdictions” means a list of jurisdictions where residents may seek our services. We have the right to modify this list.

“Confidential Information” means any information disclosed by one party (“Disclosing Party”) to another party (“Receiving Party”) under this Agreement and not known to the public (regardless of its source or form of communication). Confidential Information includes exchanges, wallet, transaction information, technical, business, operational, legal, marketing, financial, corporate information, and any other information not publicly visible and not legally obtainable from other sources. By default, all information shared between the Parties is treated as confidential, considering its nature and character, unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, by the Disclosing Party, or by law. Confidential Information also includes exclusive or confidential information from any third party that might disclose such information to the Disclosing Party. Confidential Information does not include:

  • Publicly known information resulting from disclosure by the Disclosing Party;
  • Information lawfully received by the Receiving Party from a third party without obligation of confidentiality;
  • Information independently developed by the Receiving Party;
  • Information disclosed by law;
  • Information disclosed by the Receiving Party with the prior written consent of the Disclosing Party;
  • And any other information that both parties agree in writing is not confidential.

“Crypto-Asset” means a civil rights asset with value expressed as a set of electronic data that can be transferred, stored, and exchanged on a peer-to-peer basis, without conditions or limitations, approved by us from time to time for use in relation to the Exchange and other Services. The list of crypto-assets we authorize for the Exchange and other Services under this Agreement is defined by us and may change from time to time. Crypto-assets do not include fiat currencies.

“Cyberattacks” include, but are not limited to, interventions through social engineering, forks, phishing, hacking, smurfing, Sybil attacks, distributed denial-of-service attacks, malware, disinformation campaigns, identity theft, majority mining, consensus-based mining attacks or others, double-spending, etc.

“Charges” means any pledge, guarantee, mortgage, charge, lien, or any other security interest or encumbrance on your fiat currency, crypto-assets, whether imposed under the agreement, regulations, governmental authorities, or execution of a judgment, which gives another person, institution a priority or advantage over creditors, including any right of set-off.

“Exchange” means the buying and selling of supported crypto-assets, fiat currency, in accordance with the agreement. The Exchange is a transaction of buying crypto-assets against fiat currency or selling crypto-assets against fiat currency defined at the time of the Exchange.

“Fiat” means any asset that is government-issued currency and is commonly used and accepted as a means of exchange in its issuing country or territory. The list of fiat currencies we authorize for exchange and other services is defined by us and may change from time to time.

“Force Majeure Event” means any event beyond our reasonable control and yours that prevents us, as well as you, or delays us, or prevents you from performing obligations under the Agreement, including but not limited to: earthquake, fire, explosion, flood, landslide, lightning, epidemics, pandemics, acts of war and terrorism, declared or not, civil disturbances, embargoes, natural disasters, Internet outage or disruption, cyberattacks, public and private networks and communication facilities, enactment or any amendment to applicable law, or public or governmental authority action, etc.

“Fork” means a modification of the existing source code or creation of new or additional source code for a blockchain, which may result in multiple versions of that crypto-asset, significant changes to the function, value, name of that crypto-asset, etc.

“Instruction” means your request to transfer crypto-assets from your wallet to the address you provided in such request.

“Market Misconduct” means insider trading, market manipulation, price manipulation, prohibited trading disclosure, false trading, any dishonorable or dishonest conduct, conduct contrary to fair and equitable trading principles or any other activity defined as market misconduct according to this definition under the applicable law.

“EUR Account” means the account maintained with UAB “Nuvei”, a company incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, entity code 304445876, registered address at Lvivo street 37-101, LT-09307 Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania (“Nuvei”), for receiving your fiat funds and for settling your transactions.

“Order” means an order consisting of a request to buy or sell a specified quantity of a base asset (fiat or crypto-asset) against the counter asset (crypto-asset or fiat) at the exchange rate defined by us based on available market information, conditions, other information, our interest fees defined on a case-by-case basis. For processing exchanges, we act as an agent, broker, or other, and our compensation for processing exchanges is included in the exchange rate. The list of fiat/crypto-assets, crypto-assets/fiat authorized for exchanges is defined by us. The order may be executed at a number of different prices, depending on the amount of the specified base asset, volume, and order prices in the market at the time an order is submitted and remains open.

“Wallet” means our software or our software and hardware suite being a crypto-assets wallet with the unique addresses we provided to you, which provides you with information on the crypto-assets you own and the ability to manage them in the crypto-assets rotation guarantee system.

“Wallet Account” means access to your FUTURE INVEST Wallet dashboard on our Website and/or Apps.

  • Headings are provided for convenience only and do not affect the interpretation of the Agreement.
  • In case of any inconsistency between these General Terms and the Help Center section, these General Terms shall prevail;
  • In case of any inconsistency between the Agreement and any decision, rule, requirement, or other rule issued by us related to the Services, the latter shall prevail;

The Help Center section may be updated from time to time on the Website by us. These updates will apply as of their publication on the Website. Please review the latest published version.


On our website and applications, we organize the provision of the wallet and the EUR account, facilitated by our partner, so that you can buy, sell, and manage supported crypto-assets, as well as request, manage, and credit or debit your funds from the EUR account. This agreement governs the exchange relationships with the use of the EUR account and does not govern the purchase and sale relationships of crypto-assets when using your credit or debit card. In such cases, our website and applications redirect you to our partner where the purchase and sale relationships of crypto-assets are governed solely between you and this partner.

You confirm that you reside in one of the available jurisdictions and understand that changes in your place of residence or applicable law may lead to your residence falling outside the available jurisdictions, where we have the right to refuse your orders and terminate relationships with you.

You understand and acknowledge that the place of provision of the Services is Lithuania, and the Services are not provided in the country of the available jurisdictions (other than Lithuania) where you reside; when you make a request from available jurisdictions (other than Lithuania), it means you are soliciting Services from us. We cannot guarantee or assume responsibility for the values and rates of crypto-assets. Due to the uncertainty, unpredictability, and fluctuating nature of crypto-assets, transactions and holding of crypto-assets involve high-risk activity. You agree to monitor any changes related to this activity, including but not limited to the state and balance of your wallet.


To set up the wallet service, as well as for "Know Your Customer" checks, and to meet the requirements of AML/CFT and all applicable laws, you must complete the verification process and create your wallet, and provide us with the information and documentation required by us. The information and documents you provide must be complete, accurate, and up-to-date.

You agree that we are authorized to verify and attach the information you provide, obtain information about you ourselves or from third parties, for maintaining up-to-date records or complying with applicable regulations, internal policies, etc. If at any time we believe your information or documents are incomplete, outdated, or inaccurate, we have the right to contact you and request additional information and documents. Failure to provide information or documents may affect your right to use the services.

You can inquire about the wallet setup process in the Help Center section. You will be solely and absolutely responsible for securely storing, backing up, and using your password and email security. We advise having at least two-factor authentication and you understand the risk associated with single-factor authentication.

You authorize us to use crypto-assets. You acknowledge and agree that when you credit crypto-assets to your wallet with us, you authorize us and we have the right to manage your crypto-assets (exercising validation rights and/or voting rights, etc.), in accordance with applicable laws and our internal procedures and plans, and you delegate this task to us. However, we will ensure the proper execution of transactions initiated by you, as stated in this Agreement, and the security of your crypto-assets. Through this delegation, we may ensure the continuous enhancement of the quality of Services, develop them, establish security reserves, award you rewards (if applicable) (defined by us), etc.

Referral Program

A referral program is a form of affiliation in which you can refer other clients to use a service in exchange for a bonus or profit offered to them as a reward each time they use your unique referral link. More detailed information can be found in the Help Center section.

To enhance the use of the website/applications, we may consider revising, modifying, and developing the services offered, the list of crypto-assets, third parties, the vision, and the terms of this agreement, at our discretion. Please regularly check our website to stay informed in this regard.


Our service fees are available here. We reserve the right to modify our fees from time to time. Information on fee updates will be communicated on the website and/or otherwise. The aforementioned fees are called "Fees". By this Agreement, we do not provide services for opening, maintaining, or closing bank accounts, we do not process payments to and from EUR accounts, but we may initiate necessary deductions/payments for exchange or payment of fees or initiate the debit of funds for the amount of your debt (calculated by us) to us or our partners/providers involved in providing services to you. You authorize us to initiate immediate deductions/withdrawals of funds for exchange purposes, as well as for the payment of fees, other fees, costs, expenses, compensations, etc., to us and/or our partners/providers involved in providing services to you. Any transaction amount below our minimum transaction fees will not be processed on your account and may result in a negative balance. According to our policy, transactions below 2 EUR are non-refundable.

In the event of wallet closure and when a crypto-asset balance for each type of crypto-asset remains, at the date of wallet closure, below the EUR equivalent amount set by us and reflected in the application as the minimum withdrawal amount, the wallet closure fees will be the amount of these balances and will not be refunded by us.

Technical Requirements. You are required to comply with all our requirements related to the Services, including installation, updating, maintenance of software, etc., as well as security procedures.

Orders and Instructions

Electronic Form

You acknowledge that all orders and instructions you transmit to us electronically are original written documents and that, when submitted on the website or via applications, they will be considered as signed by you with your electronic signature as indicated in this agreement. You accept full responsibility for the security and authenticity of all orders and instructions you send to us and are bound by these orders and instructions. We consider all orders/instructions received via the website or applications as yours and will not verify that these orders/instructions are truly from you.

You understand that orders/instructions transmitted via the website or applications are transmitted over the Internet and may be routed through public transnational facilities that are not specifically protected against unauthorized access, and you accept these risks.


All records related to the instructions/orders we provide as part of the services are for informational purposes only. In case of discrepancies between the information available on the website or applications and the information contained in our records, the information contained in our records will prevail, except in the case of manifest error.

You can access your wallet, the transaction history of your EUR account, and records on the website and applications. You are responsible for checking the records for any errors. You must report any erroneous or unauthorized orders/instructions to us as soon as possible. If you do not report these orders/instructions within three days of the date of an order/instruction, we may consider them correct.

You acknowledge and agree that in the event of a dispute arising in connection with this Agreement, our records related to your use of the Services will constitute evidence.

Submission of an Order/Instruction

An order/instruction can only be submitted by you, via the website or applications, in the format defined therein. An order/instruction must comply with the minimum/maximum values as defined by us or with the applicable AML/CTF requirements and/or our anti-fraud controls. You understand that in the case of transferring an order/instruction for amounts that meet the thresholds set by AML/CTF requirements or our internal policies referring to AML/CTF requirements, we have the right not to execute an order/instruction until receipt of certain information/documents required by us to our satisfaction.


For order execution, you authorize us, at our discretion, to perform an exchange on your behalf with third parties, through appropriate crypto-asset exchange platforms, or in our own position (our ownership).

To execute an order, you must have a sufficient balance of the relevant crypto-asset or fiat currency, free from any charge or other limitation, to cover the total value of the order and all fees.

When initiating an order, we first withdraw the funds from your EUR account or the amount of crypto-assets from your wallet, depending on the nature of the transaction, until the order is executed or canceled. When initiating an order, you must specify the amount to buy or sell and understand that the purchase/sale price may vary according to market prices. If, for any reason (technical disruption, price volatility, lack of liquidity, etc.), the order is not executed within a time frame defined by us, the order will be considered canceled, and we will return the withdrawn funds to your EUR account or wallet as appropriate.

Refusal or Cancellation of an Order

You may cancel an order you have submitted at any time before we accept the order. We may refuse or cancel an order without execution if:

  • You do not have sufficient funds in your EUR account, or not enough crypto-assets in your wallet, depending on the nature of the transaction, or there is a charge on these amounts preventing withdrawal or holding;
  • It contains errors on various parameters;
  • We consider an order to have expired due to the lack of transaction execution within a short time frame defined by us, and if this order is not reconfirmed at that time;
  • The base price for the concerned crypto-asset has changed immediately and this order has not been reconfirmed;
  • We are unable to execute it according to the conditions specified by you in an order or technical problems or other circumstances preventing the operation have occurred;
  • We believe that executing the order could result in a violation of any applicable law or involve market misconduct, or if the execution of an order is prohibited by a sanctions list, AML/CTF requirements, etc., or could result in a fraudulent transaction;
  • There is a force majeure situation;
  • In our opinion, you substantially breach any provision of the Agreement;
  • You have not provided the information requested by us in connection with an order or you have provided unsatisfactory information if required by this agreement or applicable law;
  • A government authority has required it;
  • Other reasons that may arise and create a condition for refusal or cancellation of the order.

We will not be responsible for any losses or expenses you may incur due to our refusal or cancellation of an order.

Transfer of Crypto-assets

We will accept an instruction and execute the transfer of crypto-assets from your wallet to another address specified in an instruction, provided that the amount of the crypto-assets balance in the wallet is sufficient to execute your instruction.

In the case of incoming transfers of crypto-assets, we will credit the assets to the wallet under the conditions and in accordance with the procedure established by our internal regulations and this agreement.

You must return any erroneously credited crypto-assets/fiat currencies to your wallet/your funds on your EUR account within 3 days. This error may occur for various reasons, including but not limited to, an incorrect recipient address/account, technical issues, other technical issues, process problems, third-party attacks/activities, etc. We are entitled, without prior notice/request, to debit your wallet directly for amounts erroneously credited to your wallet, as well as your funds on your EUR account for amounts erroneously credited to your EUR account.

We have the right to refuse to execute your Instruction in the following cases:

  • It contains errors on various parameters;
  • If an instruction is executed in violation of our internal procedures, applicable laws;
  • If an initial transfer breaches the Wallet regime defined by our internal policies, procedures, and applicable laws;
  • If the wallet balance is not sufficient to execute the instruction and pay the services rendered by us;
  • In other cases provided by applicable laws, internal policies, procedures, especially but not limited to cases defined in AML/CTF requirements;
  • Technical issues or other circumstances preventing the operation have occurred.

We have the right to suspend the execution of an instruction for clarification if the circumstances justifying a refusal do not exist.

We have the right to pause for clarification, refuse the execution of crediting incoming crypto-asset transfers to the wallet in cases provided by applicable laws, especially in cases defined in AML/CTF requirements, and our internal procedures.

Contractual Debit

You authorize us to debit your wallet and funds from an EUR account in fiat currency or crypto-asset for the execution of orders/instructions, as well as for the payment of actual debt (calculated by us or our partners/providers) to us or our partners/providers engaged in providing services to you, or in fiat currency or crypto-assets other than the actual debt, for amounts equivalent to the fiat currency or crypto-asset amounts of the actual debt, and all our expenses, fees, and other charges (if applicable) related to exchange, or associated with exchange or other services provided under this agreement. In cases where the crypto-asset/fiat debited by us from your funds on the EUR account or wallet differs from the crypto-asset/fiat of your actual debt (calculated by us or our partners/providers), for the repayment of this debt, you authorize us to perform a sale/purchase of the appropriate crypto-asset/fiat on your behalf at the market rate set by us, in the amount necessary to repay this debt.

The debit (contractual withdrawal) from the wallet and/or your funds on your EUR account will be carried out using your wallet, with the details of your EUR account being available to us.

The Parties agree that if there are insufficient funds in the wallet, your funds on the EUR account to execute your orders/instructions and to settle your existing debt (calculated by us or our partners/providers) to us or our partners/providers engaged in providing services to you, we have the right to debit (perform a contractual withdrawal) from the wallet, your funds on the EUR account as soon as your funds/assets become available in the wallet and EUR account to settle your existing debt to us/our partners/providers, and, when there are insufficient funds in the wallet, EUR account, to return the orders/instructions as unexecuted due to the insufficiency of the required funds/assets for these transactions.

Rights and Obligations

You must continuously comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, AML/CTF requirements, applicable law, Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, AML Policy, and all other conditions and rules referencing this Website, these Applications, and these Services.

You are responsible for the confidentiality of your login credentials, passwords, access data, etc.

  • Neither party shall engage in unethical market practices;
  • Neither party shall provide false, inaccurate, incomplete, or misleading information;
  • Neither party shall use the Services for illegal, unlawful, or immoral activities;
  • Neither party shall use the Services to upload content containing or infected by viruses, malware, etc., distribute unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional, or marketing material, or disassemble, decompile, or reverse engineer;
  • Neither party shall undertake any actions imposing unreasonable burdens on the website/application infrastructure and interfering with the data or information of other service users.

You agree that withdrawals from your wallet are subject to our internal measures implemented to deter the use of our services for fraudulent activities in accordance with Lithuanian regulations.

Blocking Rights of FUTURE INVEST

We have the right to block (i.e., limit your right to withdraw, transfer, exchange, etc.) certain amounts of crypto-assets on the wallet, your funds on your EUR account in the following cases:

  • If such blocking is necessary for processing the execution of the Order/Instruction;
  • If a technical error, glitch, or other technical, fraudulent, or other reason occurs during the execution of the Order or Instruction, or if the Order or Instruction is executed beyond the transaction's intent;
  • If we have concerns about the security of your wallet, your EUR account;
  • If a debt has arisen or threatens to arise towards us or our partners/providers engaged in providing Services to you;
  • If there is uncertainty regarding the amount of debt (potential debt) to us or our partners/providers engaged in providing Services to you, or if there is a dispute between you and us regarding the amount of debt or settlement of debts - in this case, we have the right to block a maximum buffer amount, calculated by us, on your wallet and/or your funds on your EUR account, for potential coverage of debt/settlement that might arise;
  • If we have reasonable grounds to believe that you are not using the wallet in accordance with the User Agreement;
  • If we believe that a transaction is potentially suspicious or illegal;
  • If the Order or Instruction is initiated/executed in violation of our internal procedures, applicable laws;
  • In other cases provided by applicable laws, internal policies, procedures, especially, but not limited to, cases defined in AML/CTF requirements.

When blocking the execution of rights, our team will work with you to obtain clarifications and, once the reason is resolved among those stated above, we will disregard the blocking.

If a threat of withdrawal or seizure of blocked amounts arises, we have the right to transfer the blocked amounts to our wallets, accounts, to be held in trust until the end of the reason for which this blocking right was triggered.

You must continuously comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, AML/CTF requirements, applicable law, Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, AML Policy, and all other conditions and rules referencing this Website, these Applications, and these Services.

You are responsible for the confidentiality of your login credentials, passwords, access data, etc.

Dormancy Fees








You must timely file or have filed all required tax returns and reports and must pay or have paid all required taxes. We have no obligation for any tax obligations or reporting related to your declaration or payment of taxes. Due to our abstention from such tax obligations or reporting, residents of certain territories may face limitations in accessing our Services.

It is your sole responsibility to determine if and to what extent taxes apply to any transaction related to the Services and to withhold, collect, report, and remit the tax amounts to the appropriate tax authorities. If applicable law requires you to deduct tax from a payment owed to us, the amount will be increased appropriately so that, after the deduction, we receive the amount we would have received if no deduction had been required. If a tax authority requires us to make a deduction or withholding on a payment owed to you, you agree to immediately reimburse us the amount of such deduction or withholding.

Third Parties

We use or may use the facilities of other third parties (our partners, service providers, subcontractors, agents, any legally and lawfully organized entity) to provide our Services to you.

We may transfer, subcontract, or otherwise manage your rights and obligations under this Agreement without notice or consent. You may not transfer to another person, subcontract, or otherwise manage your rights and obligations under this Agreement.

We are entitled to engage third parties (affiliated companies, other legal entities, independent contractors, agents, consultants, etc.) to provide you with services, to subcontract service assistance or to meet the requirements of our internal policies and applicable law.

Third-party services and links are provided in cases outlined in the Agreement or if they are related to the Services or for convenience reasons. You acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible for these third-party services, their completeness, timeliness, accuracy, legality, validity, quality, etc. We are only responsible for reasonable diligence in selecting such third parties.

The Agreement does not create or confer any right or benefit enforceable by a third party, except for permitted assignees and successors.

Intellectual Property

All content included on our website and applications, unless uploaded by users, is the property of our company and is controlled or operated by it and/or by other relevant third parties (our partners, service providers, agents, financial institutions, social networks, any legally organized and acting entity), whether registered or not. In this document, the term content refers to, but is not limited to, all text, images, logos, trademarks, graphics, design, software, data compilation, audio, video, layout, and any other form of information that can be stored in a computer and any other device and that appears on or forms part of this website or these applications.

By using the website and applications, you acknowledge and agree that this content is protected by copyright, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights. Nothing on our website or applications should be interpreted as granting by implication, exclusion, or otherwise, a license or right to use a logo, trademark, or service mark displayed on our website or applications without the prior written consent of the owner. You must not reproduce, modify, amend, copy, replicate, transmit, distribute, or use the content data on the website or applications without the prior written consent of the respective owner. Subject to these restrictions, you may view, download for caching purposes only, and print any content on our website and applications for your personal use.

Prohibited Activities

  • In any manner related to money laundering, drug trafficking, terrorist activities, fraudulent activities, criminal activities, or any other illegal activity;
  • Violation of any intellectual property rights;
  • If you engage in any commercial activities detailed in our list of activities that do not fall within our risk tolerance and that we do not comply with our AML/CFT policy;
  • In any way that causes or may cause damage to the website or applications, including but not limited to, security and safety features, or interferes with the use of the website or applications by others;
  • Insulting or harassing or using any language that may be offensive or discriminatory towards other users of the website, applications, and employees and representatives of FUTURE INVEST;
  • In any manner that harms or may harm our name and reputation;
  • In any manner that is harmful, illegal, abusive, or contrary to this Agreement and any applicable laws or regulations.

Termination of Agreement

If you fail to comply with any of the provisions of this Agreement, we will take action to the fullest extent permitted by law regarding any recognized violation or infringement. As such, without limitation, we are entitled to restrict/block the provision of Services to you, in whole or in part, and to immediately block your access to the Website and Applications.


You use our Services at your own risk and subject to, but not limited to, the disclaimers stated in this Agreement.

We do not act as financial advisors, and we do not provide legal, tax, investment, or financial advice. You should consult your own independent professional advisors.

All services, data, and tools on the website and applications are provided "as is" and "as available." We decide when to update information on the website and applications. To the maximum extent permitted by law, we make no express or implied warranties of accuracy, compatibility, reliability, completeness, integrity, or usefulness of our website and applications. Any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk.

You understand and agree that crypto assets are potentially exposed to legal and regulatory risks, and their regime may be modified by regulations in different jurisdictions, making their effects unpredictable.

Trading and holding crypto assets are high-risk activities. You acknowledge this and act at your own discretion considering, without limitation, your personal skills, market conditions, and financial situation. Neither we nor our third parties can be held responsible for the results of your activities resulting from your use of the Services.

Crypto assets are not legal tender, may not be backed by physical assets or guaranteed by a government, and some may not circulate freely or widely. Lost or stolen crypto assets are generally not reversible, and you understand this. You also take the risk of highly unpredictable volatility of crypto assets in a short period, and that the value of a crypto asset can be completely and permanently lost if the market for that crypto asset disappears, due to liquidity issues or government restrictions/controls.

You also understand that crypto assets rely on different types of distributed ledger technologies, some of which are experimental open-source software – blockchain – and you take the risk of technical vulnerabilities in crypto asset technology, targeting by malicious actors, fraud or cyber-attacks, changes in consensus protocols or algorithms, etc.

You understand and accept the risks that crypto assets may be subject to Forks or security attacks, which are beyond our control and may impact the price/value of a crypto asset, potentially leading to the network/platform closure. You accept that in the event of a Fork, we may temporarily suspend access to the Services or Exchange.

You understand that using the application on a jailbroken device may lead to security issues and fraudulent transactions.

While we do our best to ensure the website and applications are secure and free from errors, viruses, and other malware, we do not guarantee this. Users assume responsibility for their own security, personal data, computers, and any other potential or obvious risks.

You agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorized access to your wallet or any other security breach via email: or by another means of communication we have notified you.

You acknowledge and accept the risk that orders or instructions may be unauthorized or given by an unauthorized person, the risk that orders or instructions may be processed twice if you submit the same orders or instructions in different forms, and the risk that any information sent electronically cannot be guaranteed to be secure or free from viruses or delays.

You acknowledge and agree that the relationship between you and us as defined in this Agreement or related to it does not create any fiduciary, trustee, or equivalent obligation on our part in your favor, and no obligation requires us to assume more responsibilities than those stated in this Agreement. This Agreement does not create any partnership, joint venture, advisory, agency, or fiduciary relationship or any similar relationship between you and us.

You understand and accept that we may receive requests or notices from tax authorities and others and may be required to provide certain information about orders and instructions.

On our website/applications, we include or may include references or links to third-party websites and applications. These references or links are or may be declared, published, and displayed on our website/applications solely for general information and reference purposes. We do not control external websites and applications, nor do we assume responsibility for their content. We are not responsible for hyperlinked websites through this Agreement or the website or applications and are not liable for losses related to these websites.

You understand that if a transaction is conducted on a crypto asset issued by a party subject to foreign laws or transactions conducted on markets in other jurisdictions, certain restrictions or deductions may be imposed by government authorities related to exchange controls, moratoriums, or other measures. Given this, before submitting orders and instructions, you should ensure compliance with all applicable rules or laws.

You acknowledge and agree that (a) our representations and warranties contained in this Agreement are the only and exclusive representations and warranties regarding the Services contemplated by this Agreement, (b) all representations and warranties, express or implied, of any nature other than those specifically stated in this Agreement are expressly disclaimed, and (c) any data, information, or other materials or information provided or addressed to you or your representatives are not and will not be considered as representations or warranties.

By using the website and applications, you consent to our disclaimers contained in this clause and other clauses of the agreement and accept their terms.

Limitation of Liability

We will not be liable to you for any loss related to our website, applications, and services, or the contract, arising from a force majeure event. You will not be liable to us for any loss related to this contract, arising from a force majeure event.

No provision of this Agreement will limit or exclude your liability in the case of fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, nor any of your liabilities in a manner not permitted by law.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, we or our third parties accept no liability to you in connection with the website, applications, and services for any of the following, including but not limited to:

  • Any commercial or business loss, such as loss of profits, revenue, income, anticipated savings, contracts, or business opportunities;
  • Your actions or inactions on our website, applications, or any transactions conducted via our website, applications;
  • Loss or corruption of any data, database, or software;
  • Any special, direct or indirect, incidental, punitive, or consequential loss or damage;
  • Any error in the content of our website, applications, or any delay, interruption, failure, unavailability, or suspension of our website, applications;
  • Any other loss or damage that may arise from the use of this website, these applications, the content, or services rendered through this website or these applications.


You are hereby required to indemnify us or our third parties (our partners, service providers, agents, financial institutions, as applicable, any legally organized and operating entity) against any loss, damage, cost, liability, and expense. You will be responsible for indemnifying us for, without limitation, legal fees and any amount paid by us to another concerned party for legal advice in the context of a dispute or resolution arising from your breach of this Agreement or the rights of others while using our website, applications, or services provided under this Agreement.

Financial Tracking

We are not obligated to act if, in our reasonable opinion, doing so would result in or could result in a violation of anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing requirements. Upon our request, you will provide us with the information and documents reasonably required from time to time, and if necessary for us to comply with all applicable anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing requirements. You agree that we may disclose any information about you to any financial regulatory authority, other government authorities, or a court when required by applicable law. You understand and agree that we may take sufficient time to review and verify an order/instruction, your name or that of the recipient/sender matches that of a sanctioned person. You understand and agree that some information collected and some decisions made are processed confidentially under anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing requirements, and we cannot disclose this information or decisions to you.


We may terminate or restrict your access to our Services immediately, without prior notice, for any reason, including but not limited to if you violate the Agreement. You have the right to unilaterally terminate your relationship with us under this User Agreement with 5 days' notice, provided that you do not owe us or our partners/providers engaged in providing Services to you.

We are entitled to unilaterally terminate the relationship with you under this User Agreement with 5 days' notice.

All provisions of the Agreement that by their nature should survive termination will survive termination, including, without limitation, provisions relating to intellectual property, disclaimers, indemnity, limitation of liability, confidentiality, service fee clause (regarding crypto-assets balanced on Wallet and the transfer of these balances to other wallets), contractual debit (regarding debt payable to us, our partners/providers engaged in providing services to you). If you avoid, refuse to submit, or do not satisfactorily submit the information/documents we require in reference to anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing requirements, other regulations or policies, at our request and within the specified deadlines, we may, according to our internal policies and internal control procedures, refuse to execute orders/instructions and terminate transactions or the business relationship with you. In this case, we will not be liable to you for non-performance of contractual obligations and damages arising from the performance of the duties and actions specified in this clause.

Immunity from legal action also applies to our directors, other employees, representatives who report, in good faith, information about suspicions of money laundering or terrorist financing or suspicious funds.

We are entitled, at any time, without liability, to:

  1. Modify, suspend, or close a wallet, terminate the provision of services provided to you;
  2. Specify or modify the regime, limit of a Wallet;
  3. Modify, specify the specific exchange supported by a wallet;
  4. Restrict or impose conditions or limits on a wallet.
  • We have reasons to believe you have not complied with the Agreement;
  • We have reasons to believe the transaction is related to illegal activities;
  • You have not had a positive balance on your Wallet for more than a month;
  • You have had no movement on your Wallet for more than 3 months;
  • Any applicable law or internal policy requires us to do so;
  • Some features of our products related to the Services have been changed;
  • You are unable or admit your inability to pay your debts on time, suspend payments on any of your debts, or, due to actual or anticipated financial difficulties, begin negotiations with one or more creditors to reschedule any of your debts, in the case where such inability to pay may be considered a ground for initiating bankruptcy (insolvency) proceedings; a moratorium is declared regarding any of your debts; any judicial or other procedure or measure is taken against you due to: payment suspension, a moratorium on any debt, the appointment of a debt administrator or other similar agent, or any similar procedure or measure is taken in any jurisdiction;
  • Any expropriation, seizure, sequestration, attachment, or execution of your assets on our wallet, funds in your EUR account, or any other of your assets if a seizure decision remains effective and is not revoked within 14 calendar days following the date of such action.

In the event of our unilateral decision to close your wallet, terminate the relationship with you, in the cases detailed in this User Agreement, if a positive balance remains available on your wallet, we are entitled to close the wallet and transfer and hold your crypto-assets in our own wallet until we receive your instructions regarding their transfer to the address you have provided.

This User Agreement will remain in effect until the termination of your Wallet account and until the full settlement of any unpaid debts to us and our partners/providers engaged in providing Services, notwithstanding the provisions of this User Agreement regarding termination notice. If the termination notice is sent, the User Agreement will not be considered as terminated for you until your Wallet account is cancelled and any debt to us and our partners/providers engaged in providing Services has been properly paid, unless we decide otherwise and close your Wallet account despite any unpaid debt to us or our partners/providers engaged in providing Services (in such a case, we will mention in the termination notice that despite the unpaid debt, we are closing your Wallet account).

If your account is closed for any reason and the balance of refundable amounts due to you is less than the outgoing refund transaction fees, this balance will be considered non-refundable and deducted as closure fees.

Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution

Unless otherwise stated, the Agreement is governed by Lithuanian law.

For any dispute or claim related to the Agreement, you and we agree to first contact each other and attempt to resolve the claim informally.

If an amicable solution is not found, any dispute, controversy, difference, or claim arising from or related to the Agreement, including its existence, validity, interpretation, performance, breach, or termination, will be subject to final resolution by an appropriate court.

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding this agreement, please contact us at:



A provision of the Agreement or a right created under it can only be waived in writing. Delay or failure to enforce any provision or rights in the Agreement by either party does not constitute a waiver.


You may not assign or transfer your rights or obligations under the Agreement without our prior written consent. We may assign or transfer rights and obligations without your written consent.

Entire Agreement

The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties regarding its subject matter. It replaces all previous arrangements and agreements concerning the same subject.

Electronic Signatures and Contracts

When placing orders/instructions, and for various communications and document signatures between the parties, you and we agree to refer to and rely on electronic signatures (not meeting the requirements of qualified electronic signatures) applied via the website, applications, DocuSign, smallpdf, emails, and other services provided by us. These electronic signatures will have the same legal effect as a handwritten signature.

You acknowledge and agree that you are satisfied with documents executed electronically. You accept electronic communications between you and us. The parties understand and accept the risks associated with using electronic signatures that do not meet the requirements of qualified electronic signatures, and recognize documents signed with such signatures as legal and binding. We and you agree that an electronic signature mentioned in this clause may take the form of pressing a button "exchange", "send", or another similar button confirming an order, or instruction or command of other services, and/or authentication with one or two factors (PIN code, login, Google Authenticator code, biometrics, OTP, etc.), or any other button, or sending a statement by email confirming the terms and conditions of the data logically associated with this statement, or an electronic signature inserted via a website, an application, DocuSign, smallpdf, or other acceptable platforms for us allowing the insertion of electronic signatures, all of which may be used by the signatory to sign.


The receiving party will keep Confidential Information confidential and will not disclose it to any person or entity without the prior written consent of the disclosing party. We are authorized to disclose Confidential Information to our employees, directors, owners, contractors, advisors, affiliates, consultants, auditors, and other third parties (the "Engaged Entities") only 1) if necessary for the provision of Services or for services provided by third parties to you under the reference set forth in this Agreement or otherwise, for the performance of internal procedures of either party related to these business relationships, legal requirements, and 2) within a scope based on a need to know and 3) if we ensure that the Engaged Entities have the obligation and technical or other capacity to protect Confidential Information with the same or better care as specified in this Agreement. Disclosure of Confidential Information is allowed without consent if such disclosure is authorized by law, a legally binding judicial or governmental order/procedure, provided that the Receiving Party promptly informs the Disclosing Party of this disclosure before the disclosure, cooperates with the Disclosing Party if the Disclosing Party chooses to contest this disclosure or seek a protective order in this regard. General personal data protection conditions are reflected in the Privacy Policy.


You authorize us to send all communications, agreements, documents, notices, disclosures, and confirmations via the website, applications, email, or any other electronic means we deem appropriate, or by phone calls, SMS, or other messages. It is your responsibility to ensure that the details of these communication methods are correct and that they are operational and available for receiving all communications, and you must inform us of any changes to the communication details as soon as possible after the change. In some cases, our communications may only be posted on the website or applications.

Communications take effect from the moment they are received or treated as received (whichever comes first), unless a later date is specified in the communication. Communications are treated as received:

  • If sent by email – when we receive an automatic delivery confirmation message; or 4 hours after sending time, unless we receive a delivery failure acknowledgment;
  • If posted on the website or applications – at the time of posting;
  • If sent by SMS, other messages, or other electronic means – 4 hours after our sending;
  • If delivered by phone call – at the time of the call.

Your notices and communications are effective as soon as we receive them in a readable form. If this occurs after 5:00 PM (UTC + 2) at the place of receipt or on a non-working day at our offices, the notice or communication concerned is deemed to have been received at 9:00 AM (UTC + 2) at that location on the next working day at our offices and takes effect from that time, unless a later time is specified.

From time to time, we may initiate surveys where your approval is required, regarding crucial issues that require your approval. Each of these surveys must be concise and clearly communicated, ensuring its reinstatement. In the absence of written objections from you within 14 days following the sending of this request, it will be considered as having received your approval. The clause governing "Notices" will also apply to surveys.

Use of Abusive Language

We place great importance on establishing respectful communication with users of our Services and expect the same level of courtesy in return. Our support team is trained to assist users of our Services in a courteous and professional manner, refraining from any form of abusive or disrespectful behavior. We strongly encourage users of our Services to express their concerns in a calm and friendly manner, allowing us to provide the best possible assistance.

We encourage users of our services to adopt polite and constructive communication, treating others with kindness and courtesy. We strictly prohibit the use of any abusive or offensive language directed at our staff, other users, or our company. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of profanity, derogatory language, harassment, threats, or personal attacks.

By using our Services, users explicitly agree to refrain from using abusive language during their interactions with our staff, other users, or our company.

In the case of abusive language during a user support request, we reserve the right to end the conversation and restrict access to our services. Furthermore, we may take the following actions:

  • For the first instance within a one-month period, access to our Services will be restricted for a period of 24 hours.
  • For subsequent instances within a one-month period, access to our Services will be restricted for a duration determined by our internal policies.

If a user persists in using abusive language, we reserve the right to terminate their account, restrict their use of our services, and report their abusive behavior to the competent authorities. We also reserve the right to remove any content containing abusive language or behavior, or that violates our guidelines or community policies.

If you encounter abusive remarks or behavior while using our Services, please inform us as soon as possible. We will conduct a thorough investigation and take appropriate action. We are committed to creating a safe and welcoming environment for all users and treat reports of abusive behavior with the utmost seriousness. If you feel intimidated or uncomfortable, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.